We work together with both Auto Transport Brokers and Auto Transport Carriers
We meet your driver to start or finish your Florida Keys Auto Transport.

We ensure that every customer is our priority. Once we have the vehicle, we operate very quickly. In most cases, you can expect a delivery within 24 hours.
Together, we can ensure every Florida Keys customer is taken care of with firm pickup and delivery dates.
Auto Transport Brokers have issues when transporting directly to or from the Florida Keys. So we help your customer by having our trucks in the Florida Keys to make it a seamless process for you and your customer. We can meet your driver in many areas in South Florida, like WPB, Ft. Lauderdale, and Homestead. Whatever plan you come up with, we can handle it.
Because you are our customer, we can do things as needed. Just let us know what you need from the particular transport, and we’ll make sure the driver follows your instructions.
Auto Transport Carriers usually try to avoid the Florida Keys. It’s usually a waste of valuable time for the carrier to make the 8-hour trip down to Key West. Since they cannot find any other vehicles from there to their final delivery/pickup destination, we work with the Auto Transport Carrier to manage vehicles going in or out of the Florida Keys so they can return to their specific route.
Auto Transport Carriers enjoy the same peace of mind as the Broker. If a carrier hires us for pickup or delivery, we’ll ensure the driver follows your instructions for that particular customer.

Guiding your customer to happiness
We are very professional. We know we didn’t get the job ourselves, and we treat it like that from start to finish. Communication is the main objective, in addition to delivering the vehicle in its current condition.
Meet our team
Our comprehensive suite of professionals caters to a diverse team, including seasoned logistics professionals and short—and long-haul drivers.

Anthony Macchione
Driver, Operations MGR

Frank Paul Photo NA*
Dispatch Manager

Maria Alexandria
Sales MGR

Janet Thompson
Accounting Manager
We are working on an app that handles information trading and has other helpful features you and your customers will appreciate.
- Collaborate with our teams seamlessly.
- Communicate directly with drivers.
- Experience the world of Auto Shipping.